History of the Advocacy :The Implementation Of Tapsa Program In Lissadila And Guico Villages

Since 2018 and 2019 community leaders, in Lisadilla and Guico villages, together with Mata Dalan Institute (MDI), have introduced the TAPSA program in which supported by CCFD and funded by the French Development Agency (FDA) for communities. The program introduced to communities in such a way to strengthen food sovereignty and bring the most resilient community against the climate change. The main objective in which MDI boned in this program is to show the local alternative development model in a way more realistic, participative, and environmental context that shows the potential information of the existent land with its planning and its preventive action. Through this program, MDI together with the community leaders conducted activities such as research on land use management participatory mapping approaches to identify spatial information and potential information of the villages.

The research results show the potential areas for the Agriculture sector and areas for dwelling that were in danger to flooding and erosion which will cause loss of land as has occurred in Guico and Lissadila villages: 

  • In 1991, the Loes river has (0.948m) width but currently the width of the Loes river has (2.690Km), The every year situation of the river brings 831 households of Lissadila and Guisu villages lost their lands, dwelling places and fields almost (62.214m), including the transmigration areas block E, D and C also have been lost in Guico village. 
  • In 2008, 2009, 2016,2018 and 2019, the Vatubleter rivers has affected the 532 families of Lissadila village, and 299 families from the Guico village and two houses were completely damaged (abandoned as an unsafe haven). A total of 831 houses in Guico and Lisadila villages are always affected by the Vatubleter river, 831 families are always panic when raining.
  • In 2019 and 2020 the Ai-Alulua river affected 30 families from Guiço village and destroyed 40 heads of land together with plants and hedges, including animal pens. There were 30 families in Guico village who are affected by the river.

Based on this research, community leaders have created an action plan for community to mitigate the impacts or cause of flooding and erosion for communities. This community action plan identifies the importance of advocating for village problems to wake up the leaders attention in order to address the problems on the basis. 

Since December 2020 community leaders mobilized their communities to hold a press conference in Guico village to affirm the demands of the community to the Government in providing concrete solutions to the problems of flooding and erosion that have impacted communities such as loss of houses and loss of agricultural production and in the beginning of 2021, community leaders met with relevant state entities such as; 

  • Political Advisor of the Prime Minister, Dr. Frei Guterres; 
  • Ministry of Public Works Policy Adviser, Mr. Jorge Teme, 
  • National Parliament Commission E for infrastructure affairs; 
The audiences concluded that "the Government is committed to conduct a technical study on the
problem of erosion of the Loes river, in order to identify its priorities. On the next hand, The National Parliament through the President of Commission D will prioritize this problem in its agenda so that the problems of erosion in the Loes river can be fixed up due to the “plan of the General State Budget for the fiscal year of 2022"
To concretize the information from community leaders on September, 22nd 2021 and on October,14th 2021 the National Parliament through the Commission D and E inspected the field and followed by, the President of Commission D suggested to community leaders to prepare a request letter for normalisation to IGE so that temporarily, it could prevent the community from natural disasters. 

Results of the audience minutes and the accompaniment to the National Parliament’s monitoring. 

  • On December, 16th 2020, an audience between the community leaders of Guico and Lissadila villages and the Policy Advisor of the Prime Minister said that the Government will consider the emergency issue and will be forwarded to the Ministry of Public Works to send the technical staff for survey and suggest the Ministry of Public Works to also include it in the 2021 or 2022 General State Budget Plan. Currently, we are working on the request letter to IGE for the normalization of rivers. 
  • On September, 30th 2020 the MDI team held an audience with the Policy Adviser of the Ministry of Public Works, Mr. Jorge Teme, took into account that it such an urgent concern, and his part will inform to the Minister of Public Works in order to design a plan based on the data provided by MDI. 

  • On September, 16th 2021 the National Parliament Commission E on infrastructure issues Mr. Abel Pires said that: the commission will discuss in plenary and discuss with the Government so that it can be placed in the State Budget in 2022, the Commission E has also prepared a short-term attempt date and recommended MDI to continue facilitate data or information to the community leaders in such a way to foster the local development. 
  • On October, 14th 2021, the President of commission D and his entourage arrived in these two villages to supervise the area of Loes river and other rivers in Guico and Lisadila villages which has brought a tremendous negative impact to the community. In this monitoring, the President of Commission D, Mr. António Bianco, informed the village chiefs of Guico and Lissadila that the problem is categorized as an emergency concern, however unfortunately the Government can not be included in the Budget of the fiscal year of 2022 yet but the plan will be included in the Budget for the next fiscal year of 2023.

MDI nia Relatoriu Auditoria Finansa (tinan Fiskal 2015)

Relatoriu Auditoria Eksterna ba Situasaun Finansa MDI nian (2015)

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Relatoriu prelimanaria MDI nian Konaba Implementasaun Programa  IMPLEMENTASAUN PROJETU PNDS- UMA KBIIT LAEK (UKL)    Hosi Governu, Relatoriu ne'e Prepara hosi ONG Mata Dalan Institute (MDI) liu Hosi monitoriamentu iha programa Auditoria Sosial ba Insfraestrutura bazika. relatoriu ne'e bele assesu iha link neé

Komunidade Suku Cuiña balun seidauk hatene mekanizmu eskola planu prioridade Suku

Polítika PNDS iha ninia definisaun rasik kona ba partisipasaun komunidade iha implementasaun mekanizmu, ne’ebé hatuur tia ona, iha regimentu geral Art. 4 alínea (A, B no G), ne’ebé valorize partisipasaun komunidade ba prosesu eskolla planu prioridade Suku. 

Prinsipiu Polítika PNDS klaru ona hodi orienta ninia implementasaun mekanizmu polítika maibé, komunidade iha Suku Cuiña seidauk partisipa másimu iha prosesu eskolla planu prioridade Suku.  Situasaun partisipasaun ba implementasaun polítika PNDS iha Suku Cuiña, bainhira ekipa MDI implementa atividade entrevista no focus diskusaun grupu no maioria partisipante sira hato’o katak seidauk hatene kona ba sistema eskolla planu prioridade Suku. Bazeia ba observasaun ekipa MDI komunidade menus koñesimentu kona ba sistema eskolla planu prioridade Suku, situasaun refere ninia efeitu ba planu prioridade Suku ladún apropriadu. Nomos sei afeta ba prestasaun rejimentu jerál Art. 4 Alinea (A, B no G).  Bainhira ekipa MDI verifika rezultadu implementasaun konstrusaun fíziku iha Suku Cuiña, komunidade iha Aldeia Noafafo, bairo Sonamnasi no Biseo susar asesu ba bee mos no Postu Saúde.

Situasaun Jerál Komunidade Suku Cuiña Aldeia Noafafo no Noapai

Komunidade Aldeia Noafafo ho total populasaun 1045 hó total feto 549 no mane 496 nune’e mós uma kain 207, nomos Aldeia Noapai ho populasaun 789 ho total Feto 373 no Mane 416 nune’e mós uma kain 166. Husi númeru populasaun mensiona inklui mós númeru populasaun husi Bairro Sonamnasi no biseo ne’ebé ekipa MDI vizita bá.  Bazeia istória komunidade husi bairru sonamnasi no Biseo hato’o katak iha tempu bailoro naruk bee menus tebes, nune’e situasaun refere obriga komunidade ne’ebé iha forsa sei dudu karosa hodi asesu bee matan ne’ebé dook husi hela fatin no komunidade ne’ebé idade avansadu ona difisil atu Lao ba fatin do’ok.  

Bazeia bá imajen sorin hatudu bee matan besik maran ona no alin sira bainhira kuru bee, sira sei hein malu, nomos bee ne’ebé sira kuru ladún saudavel ba sira nia saúde. Maibé komunidade sira laiha alternativu seluk hodi bele hetan bee matan ne’ebé saudavel liu. 

Istória seluk kona bá situasaun Saúde iha Bairo sonamnasi no Biseo hato’o katak bainhira komunidade enfrenta moras iha tempu udan no mota tun difisil tebes atu asesu ba Postu Saúde, tanba entre hela fatin komunidade no Postu saúde dook liu Estimasaun distánsia ± 8 kilómetru no sei hakat ba mota. Bainhira tempu udan komunidade sira hein de’it bainhira mota normaliza fila fali mak bele hakat, no balun moras todan husu solidariedade ba malu liu husi hulan malu hodi asesu ba Postu saúde.

Iha situasaun seluk kondisaun fisiku uma eskola ne’ebé ho uma tali no ninia didin ho bebak ne’ebé a’at ona no uma refere sobu ona, nune’e obriga mestre sira buka alternativu hodi jere kuantidade alunu sira husi primeiru anu no segundu anu utiliza sala Ida de’it. Fatin eskola mos bainhira tempu udan boot bee tama ba eskola no iha ambiente eskola mós tahu hotu nune’e afeta ba ambiente ezersísiu adisionál alunu sira ninia.  

Bainhira ekipa MDI dada lia ho reprezentante komunidade situasaun hirak ne’e hato’o ona ba parte kompetente Governu Rejional no Nasional liu –liu ba diresaun Governu relevante maibé seidauk follow up nune’e kondisaun refere kontinua eziste. 

 refere komunidade mós eskolla ona ba implementasaun mekanizmu Polítika PNDS liu husi prosesu sosializasaun maibé situasaun refere seidauk bele realiza tanba despeza polítika orsamentu ne’ebé aloka menus liu hodi bele responde ba frekuénsia prioridade sira hatán husi Koordenadór PNDS Região Oe –Cusse.    


  • Rekomenda ba Parlamentu Nasional hodi halo revizaun ba polítika númeru orsamentu ne’ebé define iha rejimentu polítika PNDS;
  • Rekomenda ba Prezidente Autoridade RAEOA atu tau planu prioridade ba konstrusaun fíziku iha Nivel Suku no Aldeia;
  • Rekomenda ba Sekretariadu Nasional atu halo verifikasaun ba poténsia prioridade sira ne’ebé identifika ona iha Nivel Suku no Aldeia.   

Setor informal iha Timor-Leste Durante Covid-19

 MDI, halo parseria ho Oxfam no Profesór Brett Inder hosi Monash University, halo peskiza ba negósiu informál iha Munisipiu 7 hamutuk respondente 446, iha Juñu 2020. Ninian objetivu mak atu hatene oinsá Estadu Emerjénsia afeta ona grupu vulnerável ida-ne’e.

Maioria hosi setór informál ne’e servisu iha eskala ki’ik, traballadór auto-empregu ne’ebé hala’o servisu ho ab- ilidade menus ne’ebé ho injesaun kapitál ne’ebé la-boot. Grupu ida-ne’e dala-barak sai traballadór sira ne’ebé vulnerável – la’ós de’it tuir kódigu laborár ka saláriu mínimu ka protesaun no seguransa iha servisu-fatin nst.

Tan ne’e, dala-balu sira ne’ebé iha setór informál ne’e la preparadu atu hasoru kalamidade, ka atu asesa apoiu durante kalamidade hirak ne’e. Estadu Emerjénsia ba COVID-19 hosi Marsu to’o Juñu 2020 fó ezemplu ida reál tebes hosi kalamidade hirak hanesan ne’e, ho negósiu setór informál nian la-bele asesu apoiu barak ne’ebé disponível iha pakote resposta ekonómika Governu nian. Projetu ida-ne’e ezamina impaktu oioin hosi krize ne’e ba empreza sira durante Estadu Emerjénsia.

Sensus 2015 hatudu katak ema liu hosi na’in 14.500 mak haknaar an iha negósiu informál nian iha venda, ho kioske, negosiante ambulante ka negosiante iha merkadu. Aleinde ida-ne’e, kuaze 3.600 mak servisu iha transporte, hosi taksi, bis ka mikrolet sira. Negósiu hirak ne’e mak fonte rendimentu prinsipál ba kuaze 8% hosi uma-kain sira iha Timor-Leste, nune’e estudu ida-ne’e foka ba parte importante ida hosi populasaun ne’e.

Iha amostra negósiu nian hamutuk 446 ne’ebé kobre munisípiu 7, estudu ne’e husu ba respondente sira ko- na-ba sira-nia rendimentu hosi venda lorloron nian durante períodu tolu:

  1. Estadu Emerjénsia iha Marsu 2020

  2. Durante Fulan Rua Estadu Emerjénsia 1 no 2 (EE 1 & 2) (Marsu-Máiu 2020), bainhira restrisaun ne’e maka’as tebes

  3. Durante faze datoluk Estadu Emerjénsia 3 (EE 3) (Máiu-Juñu 2020), bainhira restrisaun sira la-duun ma- ka’as, no halo ona pagamentu subsídiu $200 ba kada uma-kain.

Hare kompletu Relatoriu versaun Tetum iha Link neé 

Hare kompletu Relatoriu versaun Ingles iha Link neé (full report version ) no (summary report version)

download versaun tetum no ingles iha link ne'e

Relatoriu Mapamentu Partisipativu Suku Lissadila

Iha tinan 2018 community leader, community in the sektoral institute iha suku Lissadila hamutuk ho Mata Dalan Institution (MDI), conducts ona peskiza Mapamentu Participatory in the kria ona Planu Asaun Komunitaria suku nian hanesan program ida neébe Lideransa sei niara siara nunra siaua niha nian. Searching for more than one purpose Hatudu modelu tenenvolvimentu alternative local iha kontestu realistiku, partisipativu non environmentally in Hatudu informasaun potentiality uzu rai ho nia planeamentu no asaun prevensaun nian. Alende neé reporter neé prodús hodi hatudu rezultadu prosesu sira neébe MDI performs ona su su ne'e mak hanesan pekiza mapeamentu partisipativu, Planu Asaun Komunitaria no nia intervensaun sira (rezultadu implementasaun planu asaun komunitária). Hosi peskiza neé produs ona informasaun on the thematic map sira act reflekta sitauasaun atuál neébe akontese iha suku refers in the basin ba rezultadu peskiza neé prodús mos Planu Asaun Komunitaria.
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