Social Audit research on the implementation of Uma Kbi'it Laek (UKL) program
ISTORIA Ba ADVOKASIA: Implementasaun Programa TAPSA Iha Suku Lissadila no Suku Guico
- Iha Tinan 1991 Mota loes ninia luan 0.948 M2 actual mota loes ninia luan 2.690 KM 2, situasaun mota kada tinan família 831 hosi Suku Lissadila no Guisu lakon ninia rai, hela fatin no to’os kuaze 62.214 M2, inklui area transmingrasaun Block E. D no block C mós lakon ona iha suku Guico
- Iha tinan 2008, 2009, 2016,2018 no 2019, Mota vatubleter hetan afeitasaun ba familia 532 hosi Suku Lissadila, no famlia 299 hosi Suku Guico no uma kain 2 hetan estragus total (Abandona hela fatin tanba laseguru). Total uma kain 831 iha Suku Guico no Lisadila sempre hetan afeitasaun hosi mota vatubleter, família 831 sempre pániku bainhira udan bo’ot.
- Iha tinan 2019 no 2020 mota Ai-alulua afeta ba famelia 30 hosi Suku Guisu, no estraga to’os ulun 40 hó ninia ai –horis no lutu, inklui luhan animal, afeitasaun ne’e ba familia 30 iha Suku Guisu
Hosi audiénsia sira ne’e konklui katak “ “ Governu kompremete atu halo estudu téknika ida ba problema errosaun Mota Loes ho nune’e bele identifika nia nivel prioridade no Parlamentu Nasionál Liu hosi Prezidente Komisaun D sei prioritiza problema ne’e iha nia ajenda atu nune’e problema errosaun iha mota Loes bele tanba ba Planu Orsamentu Jeral Estadu ba tinan Fiskal 2022”. Atu konkretiza informasaun hosi lideransa komunitária ne’e iha data 22 Setembru 2021 No data 14 Outobru 2021 Parlamentu Nasionál liu hosi komisaun D no E halo Fiskalizasaun iha terrenu hosi fiskalizasaun ne’e prezidente Komisaun D sujere ba lideransa komunitária hodi prepara karta pedidu normalizasaun ba IGE hodi nune’e temporariamente evita impaktu komunidade sira.
- Loron 30 Setembru 2020 Ekipa MDI halo Audiénsia ho Assessor Politico Ministériu Obras Publika, Sr. Jorge Teme, konsidera problema ne’e importante no nia parte sei hato’o ba Ministru Obras Publika hodi bele halo planu bazeia ba dadus ne’ebé MDI nian.
- Loron 16 Setembru 2021 Parlamentu Nasionál Komisaun E Asuntu Infrastrutura Sr. Abel Pires katak; Komisaun sei halo diskusaun iha plenária no sei halo diskusaun ho Governu hodi bele tau orsamentu geral estadu iha tinan 2022, Komisaun E mos prepara ona data tentativa ba Fiskalizasaun iha tempu badak no Rekomenda ba MDI atu kontinua fasilita dadus ga informasaun ba Autoridade Suku Guico no Lisadila hodi fasilita sira nia prosesu dezenvolvimentu lokál.
- Loron 16 Dezembru 2020, Audiénsia entre Chefe Suku Guiço & Lissadila ho Assessor Polítika Primeiru Ministru, katak Governu sei konsidera problema ne’e emerjénsia no sei enkamina ba Ministerio Obras Publika hodi haruka tékniku halo survey no sei halo paresér ba MOP hodi tau planu Orsamentu Jerál Estadu iha Tinan 2021 ou 2022. Agora halo pedidu ba IGE para halo normalizasaun mota to’o udan para.
- Loron 14 Outobru 2021, Presidente Komisaun D ho nia komitiba to’o ona iha suku Rua hodi halo fiskalizasaun direta ba area mota Loes ho mota sira seluk ihz suku Suku Guico no Lisadila ne’ebé hetan errosaun no afeta ba komunidade. Iha fiskalizasaun ne’e Presidente Komisaun D, Sr. Antonio Bianco informa ba Chefe Suku Guico no Lissadila katak problema ne’e ita konsidera kategoria emerjénsia, infelizmente Governu seidauk bele tau iha Orsamentu Geral Estadu iha tinan fiskál 2022 maibé sei halo planu orsamentu iha tinan fiskál 2023.
History of the Advocacy :The Implementation Of Tapsa Program In Lissadila And Guico Villages
Since 2018 and 2019 community leaders, in Lisadilla and Guico villages, together with Mata Dalan Institute (MDI), have introduced the TAPSA program in which supported by CCFD and funded by the French Development Agency (FDA) for communities. The program introduced to communities in such a way to strengthen food sovereignty and bring the most resilient community against the climate change. The main objective in which MDI boned in this program is to show the local alternative development model in a way more realistic, participative, and environmental context that shows the potential information of the existent land with its planning and its preventive action. Through this program, MDI together with the community leaders conducted activities such as research on land use management participatory mapping approaches to identify spatial information and potential information of the villages.
The research results show the potential areas for the Agriculture sector and areas for dwelling that were in danger to flooding and erosion which will cause loss of land as has occurred in Guico and Lissadila villages:
- In 1991, the Loes river has (0.948m) width but currently the width of the Loes river has (2.690Km), The every year situation of the river brings 831 households of Lissadila and Guisu villages lost their lands, dwelling places and fields almost (62.214m), including the transmigration areas block E, D and C also have been lost in Guico village.
- In 2008, 2009, 2016,2018 and 2019, the Vatubleter rivers has affected the 532 families of Lissadila village, and 299 families from the Guico village and two houses were completely damaged (abandoned as an unsafe haven). A total of 831 houses in Guico and Lisadila villages are always affected by the Vatubleter river, 831 families are always panic when raining.
- In 2019 and 2020 the Ai-Alulua river affected 30 families from Guiço village and destroyed 40 heads of land together with plants and hedges, including animal pens. There were 30 families in Guico village who are affected by the river.
Based on this research, community leaders have created an action plan for community to mitigate the impacts or cause of flooding and erosion for communities. This community action plan identifies the importance of advocating for village problems to wake up the leaders attention in order to address the problems on the basis.
Since December 2020 community leaders mobilized their communities to hold a press conference in Guico village to affirm the demands of the community to the Government in providing concrete solutions to the problems of flooding and erosion that have impacted communities such as loss of houses and loss of agricultural production and in the beginning of 2021, community leaders met with relevant state entities such as;
- Political Advisor of the Prime Minister, Dr. Frei Guterres;
- Ministry of Public Works Policy Adviser, Mr. Jorge Teme,
- National Parliament Commission E for infrastructure affairs;
Results of the audience minutes and the accompaniment to the National Parliament’s monitoring.
- On December, 16th 2020, an audience between the community leaders of Guico and Lissadila villages and the Policy Advisor of the Prime Minister said that the Government will consider the emergency issue and will be forwarded to the Ministry of Public Works to send the technical staff for survey and suggest the Ministry of Public Works to also include it in the 2021 or 2022 General State Budget Plan. Currently, we are working on the request letter to IGE for the normalization of rivers.
- On September, 30th 2020 the MDI team held an audience with the Policy Adviser of the Ministry of Public Works, Mr. Jorge Teme, took into account that it such an urgent concern, and his part will inform to the Minister of Public Works in order to design a plan based on the data provided by MDI.
- On September, 16th 2021 the National Parliament Commission E on infrastructure issues Mr. Abel Pires said that: the commission will discuss in plenary and discuss with the Government so that it can be placed in the State Budget in 2022, the Commission E has also prepared a short-term attempt date and recommended MDI to continue facilitate data or information to the community leaders in such a way to foster the local development.
- On October, 14th 2021, the President of commission D and his entourage arrived in these two villages to supervise the area of Loes river and other rivers in Guico and Lisadila villages which has brought a tremendous negative impact to the community. In this monitoring, the President of Commission D, Mr. António Bianco, informed the village chiefs of Guico and Lissadila that the problem is categorized as an emergency concern, however unfortunately the Government can not be included in the Budget of the fiscal year of 2022 yet but the plan will be included in the Budget for the next fiscal year of 2023.
MDI nia Relatoriu Auditoria Finansa (tinan Fiskal 2015)
Relatoriu prelimanaria MDI nian Konaba Implementasaun Programa IMPLEMENTASAUN PROJETU PNDS- UMA KBIIT LAEK (UKL) Hosi Governu, Relatoriu ne'e Prepara hosi ONG Mata Dalan Institute (MDI) liu Hosi monitoriamentu iha programa Auditoria Sosial ba Insfraestrutura bazika. relatoriu ne'e bele assesu iha link neé
Ekipa MDI no Gabineti UAS halaó audensia hó DGDR no DN-ST.PNDS
Ekipa MDI no UAS aprezenta Rezultadu Deskobrementu Implementasaun Polítika Infrastrutura Liu Husi PDIM iha Munisipiu Tolu ba ADN
Deskobrementu espesífiku mak konstrusaun fíziku Lao tarde liu iha implementasaun mekanizmu ba periodu 2019, preokupasaun ne’e sei prejudika ba dezempeña dekretu lei númeru 15/2016 Art. 39 Rezolusaun kontratu. Bazeia Rezultadu aprezentasaun deskobrementu ne’e Koordenadór PMU senor Demistolles Cabral (ADN) hala’o klasifikasaun no esplikasaun kona ba sistema prosesamentu dezeñu planu programa no prosesu dezeñu tékniku kona bá konstrusaun fíziku ninia lala’ok, Senor Koordenadór PMU rekoñese situasaun konstrusaun fíziku lao tarde iha terrenu, iha situasaun ne’e mosu laos parte jestor tékniku sira la halo prosesamentu tékniku maibé, kauza impasse polítika afeta tebes ba prosesamentu tékniku administrasaun no tékniku implementasaun konstrusaun fíziku sira, nune’e fó impaktu ba konstrusaun 6 ninia implementasaun lao tarde no ninia finalizasaun mós lao tarde.
Hatutan tan mós katak prosesamentu distribuisaun dokumentu konstrusaun (dezeñu konstrusaun no BoQ) distribui tarde ba parte owner projetu no kompañia tanba, sistema implementasaun Programa PDIM antes dezeñu tekniku konstrusaun fisiku, parte Komisaun dezenvolvimentu Munisipiu (KDM) hafoin aprezenta planu no aprova ona iha Parlamentu Nasional, mak ADN halo prosesu verifikasaun tékniku depois halo prosesu dezeñu tékniku projetu nune’e tempu barak liu oferese ba prosesamentu burokrasia Polítika no tékniku.
Ekipa MDI mós hala’o aprezentasaun kona ba Kompañia Tonijo ninia Preokupasaun kona ba hamenus kuantidade osan husi AND ba pedidu pagamentu, Senor Aleixo Da Costa (Tékniku ADN) halo esplikasaun katak “tuir rejimentu ne’ebé́ bainhira kompañia pedidu pagamentu hetan verifikasaun progresu konstrusaun fíziku hó realistiku, bainhira kompañia hato’o pedidu pagamentu” konstrusaun fíziku ladún realistiku, ADN sei fó pagamentu deit ba progresu fíziku iha terrenu liu husi prosesu verifikasaun tékniku. Maibé laos hamenus pedidu pagamentu.
Ekipa MDI mós aprezenta rezultadu konstrusaun fíziku ne’ebé́ ladún asesivel, nune’e Koordenador PMU senor Demistolles Cabral rekoñese konstrusaun fíziku ne’ebé́ ladún asesivel tanba orientasaun polítika finansiamentu seidauk orientadu. Nune’e parte tékniku hala’o dezeñu konstrusaun fíziku bazeia ba definisaun polítika finansiamentu ne’ebé́ nesesáriu.
Pesoál ne’e mós hala’o esplikasaun katak konstrusaun fíziku ne’ebé́ bazeia ba orientasaun polítika ne’e laos razaun fundamentu, maibé ko’alia kona ba ema hó defisiénsia ne’e mandatu konstituisaun, nune’e ADN sei halo esforsu oinsá atu hala’o koordenasaun hó Asosiasaun ema hó defisiénsia atu hare asuntu tékniku sira, atu nune’e bele ajusta prinsipiu konstrusaun fíziku ba ema hó defisiénsia ninia padraun sira.
Iha diskusaun naruk ne’e mós reprezentante Unidade Auditoria Sosiál Gabinete Primeiru Ministru (UAS-GPM) Senor Salvador Da Crus rekomenda ba ADN atu iha kooperasaun di’ak hó sosiedade Sivíl hanesan MDI, nune’e bele hare lisuk ba konstrusaun públiku sira liu –liu iha implementasaun mekanizmu polítika PDIM ba Nivel Local nian.
Soru-mutu entre MDI Unidade Auditoria Sosiál husi Gabinete Primeiru Ministru no Ajénsia Dezenvolvimentu Nasional (ADN) foti konkluzaun ida katak inisiativa soru-mutu ne’e meus importante atu bele haforsa liu tan kooperasaun sira hodi fó hanoin lisuk ba dezempeña implementasaun konstrusaun fíziku sira ne’ebé́ implementa iha Nivel Nasional no Munisipiu.